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Space Saving for Bedroom

Nowadays, cost of houses are high and also if you would like to renovate old house or amend a little bit after moved into new house. However let us explore some ideas on how to fully utilize of your bedroom, just require some modification, you can even Do-It-Yourself (DIY).

Space Saving Malaysia

Slidable beds under the desks and cabinet raised wooden floor.

Small Space Malaysia

Bed and working desk on the top, with clothes, washbasin and mini storage slots below.

Small Space Design Malaysia

Dining tables and mini kitchen at level 1, mezzanine 2nd level has beds, sofa and working desk.

Space Saving Design Malaysia

Mezzanine concept too, with working desk below, bed on top.

Interior Design Malaysia

Purple-themed concept

Bedroom Design Malaysia

Pink girlish concept

Interior Designer Malaysia

Look at the drawers underneath the bed and the curved wardrobe, blue concept and sufficient sunlight is allowed.

Small Space Design Malaysia

Simple and nice, bright and energy efficient.

Foldable Bed Malaysia

Foldable wooden bed-desk, very suitable for studio unit too.

Let us know if you require more consultation about your design/renovation work, send us an email at or contact us at +(60)11-7001 1003 (Monday to Friday) or +(60)11-1188 1003 (Saturday, Sunday & Public Holiday).

Photo Credit: Buildnlive / Biohomecares / Asia-exports / Designbuildideas / Pinterest / Designrulz

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