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DIY Used Glass Window

There are so many unused or recycled glass window when you renovate or moved, all these should not be just treat it as waste. Instead of selling to the collector for crushing and recycled, there are many ways you can fully utilize creatively.

For example, you can use it as a planter box cover for your vegetables, just lay some bricks around the plant with the glass frame cover sitting on top.

Glass Cover Malaysia

Even you can use it as a plant and flower house with raised up stand with the glass frame roof.

Glass Frame Roof Malaysia

Planter Box Hanger attached at external wall of the house.

DIY Glass Malaysia

DIY Cabinet Malaysia

Glass Cabinet Malaysia

Furthermore, you can also do a sliding type cabinet using its frame. (picture on your left)

DIY Cabinet Malaysia

Tiny coffee table with magazine container (top

picture) and also the cabinet with drawer type as per photo shown on the left.

The following are some of other examples where you can utilize to put your necklaces, postcards and letters etc.

DIY Frame Malaysia

DIY Wooden Malaysia

Wooden DIY Design Malaysia

Of course, you can also use for glass whiteboard mounted on your wall.

Glass White Board Malaysia

Photo credit sources: woohomes and allshadesblue@wordpress.

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